9 thoughts on “Happy Good Friday

  1. tried to respond in comments but password problems..grrrrr. Loved seeing you and hearing your voice this morning, my sweet Chicago BSF leader!! and how timely—my daughter in law texted me late last night wanting to know what to tell my 2 grandkids (5 and 9 and BSF preschool graduates) about Good Friday. I said my 2 cents worth but what a joy to forward your message this morning. Thank you!!, God Bless and Have a wonderful Easter! side note….pretty hypocritical of a country that no longer honors God but wants the holiday day off

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  2. Anonymous

    Well said – as usual – Marcia! Happy Good Friday to you!!! I love the video. It brings me back to those BSF lectures that I cherished so much. To God be the glory!!! – Karyn O.

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  3. Anonymous

    How sweet a reminder of the positive side of Good Friday, Marcia! And how sweet a moment I enjoyed looking into the eyes and heart of my dearly loved ‘sister’! God continues to use you to give us a new perspective of our wonderful Heavenly Father! Thank you and may you have a Happy Good Friday also!- Vonnie

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  4. Pingback: Celebrating New Life | Marcia Furrow

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